
Grandad and grandson counting coins, teaching about superannuation.

Next to our own home, our superannuation savings are often our largest asset. How do you treat money sitting in your own bank account? So why do you treat super with any less care and attention?

While we cannot access the funds until later in life, it deserves as much care and attention as any aspect of your financial planning. The long term nature of this investments means that having your funds invested in the right place makes a big difference when you do come to retire.

For younger people, super can be harnessed to provide the protection a family needs in moments of crisis – whether the result of sickness, accident or injury.

Superannuation is not an investment in itself, it is tax structure that received favourable tax treatment, designed to save for retirement. Knowing where to invest, how much to contribute (and when) is essential to ensure you maximise every possible opportunity and avoid the common mistakes.

Constant changes in legislation and market conditions means that active long term management will result in better retirement.